Washington County Durham


Memories of  Usworth

Board School (1900s) / Unemployed Centre (1930s)

Usworth Colliery Board School, Waterloo Road

Usworth Board School - Map 1

The Board School was located between St. Michael's Church and Usworth Primitive Methodist Church
i.e. 'Sch.' between 'Mission Church' and 'Meth. Ch.', in the centre of the above Map.

Usworth Board School - Map 2

Usworth Colliery Board School & Usworth Primitive Methodist Church

Located close to Pensher (Penshaw) View and the junction of Waterloo Road, Manor Road and Edith Avenue.
The future Usworth Colliery Mixed School
(Infants, Juniors & Seniors) will be built on the open ground near Usworth Colliery Miners' Hall.

Usworth Colliery Board School, Waterloo Road

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School
Class 6, Early 1900s.

Usworth Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School (1901)
Row 3: No. 6, William Pape - No. 8, George Gibson.
[ Photo: Thanks to George's Grandson, David Gibson. ]

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School (1903/04)
The tall lad in the centre of the back row is George Gibson.

[ Photo: Courtesy of Beamish Museum Resource Centre. ]
For more on local lad, George Gibson: See TOP MENU.

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School, Waterloo Road

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School Staff ( circa 1922 )

Usworth Colliery Board School

Usworth Colliery Board School ( 1922 )
Teacher, Miss Hill - Headmaster, Mr John Anderson

[ Above Image: Thanks to Ernie Guy, Member of Washington History Society. ]

Who remembers Wackford Squeers, Schoolmaster of Dotheboys Hall?
[ Charles Dickens Novel:  Nicholas Nickleby ]

Miss Hill wasn't the only Teacher in Usworth who waved a big stick!
See 'Wackford' Whitfield.

Royal Visit to Usworth Colliery Board School Building - 1934
Now Housing the Usworth Unemployed Centre

Royal Visit

The Guard of Honour outside St. Michael and All Angels Church.
For more details of Prince Edward's 1934 Visit, see TOP MENU.

Martin Guy, Member of the Honour Guard and King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry - 1914.
A self-educated man, Martin helped run the Social Centre at Usworth and was a prominent figure in the Local Community.
Martin was shot by a sniper in WW1 and badly wounded. His injuries left him semi-invalid for the rest of his life.

He can be seen in the Guard of Honour photograph, standing between two much taller men.
Martin Guy was one of the Founders of the Usworth Unemployed Centre.


Letter of Thanks from Martin Guy
Chairman: Usworth & New Washington Social Centre

Sent in Appreciation for Holidays arranged for the Wives of Unemployed Men.

[ The above Images were contributed by Ernie Guy, Member of Washington History Society, Grandson of Martin Guy. ]

Usworth Unemployment Centre, Woodwork Classes
Martin Guy's Records, March 1935

The Unemployed Centre was set up to give local Unemployed Men useful work.

Materials were provided to make Tables, Drawers, Bookcases, Stepladders, Clothes Horses, Crackets / Stools, Proggy Mats etc.
Members of the Woodworking Group would pay for the materials they used in small affordable instalments.
When the items were paid for, Group Members could take them away to keep, or to sell.

Class 1

Class 1

Usworth Unemployment Centre, Woodwork Classes
Martin Guy's Records, May 1935

The Unemployed Centre was set up to give local Unemployed Men useful work.

Materials were provided to make Tables, Drawers, Bookcases, Stepladders, Clothes Horses, Crackets / Stools, Proggy Mats etc.
Members of the Woodworking Group would pay for the materials they used in small affordable instalments.
When the items were paid for, Group Members could take them away to keep, or to sell.

Class 2

Class 2

[ For more of Martin Guy's memories:  See MARTIN'S DIARY in the TOP MENU. ]

Usworth Colliery Board School Building
Now part of Pawsons Dress Factory

Pawsons Factory 1

Pawson's Dress Factory
Methodist Church & School Buildings on Waterloo Road  -  Past gates, right: Pensher View & Usworth Green Prefabs
Bottom right: Edith Avenue  -  Right-horizon: Usworth Pit Heap
View from St. Michael's Church

Pawsons Factory 2

The 'New' Pawson's Dress Factory
Waterloo Road