Washington County Durham


Memories of  Washington

Our MPs  (Chester-le-Street Constituency)

Washington Miners become Members of Parliament

In 1956, Norman Pentland succeeded Pat Bartley as M.P. for Chester-le-Street.


Patrick Bartley - Washington 'F' Miner

MP for Chester-le-Street
(1950 - 1956)

Patrick Bartley (24 March 1909 - 25 June 1956)
Article: Platernian Newsletter - Autumn 2013
[ Plater College: formerly Catholic Workers' College. ]

Pat Bartley Elected


General Election 1950: Chester-le-Street
Labour Patrick Bartley 35,348
Conservative Harry J. M. Millican 10,379



Norman Pentland - Harraton Miner

MP for Chester-le-Street
(1956 - 1972)

Norman Pentland (9 Sept 1912 - 28 Oct 1972)
Photo: Walter Bird, 11 March 1965.
National Portrait Gallery

Norman Pentland, a mineworker from Harraton ('Cotia) Colliery, became Labour Member of Parliament for Chester-le-Street following the death of Patrick Bartley.  He won the constituency in a by-election in 1956, defeating William Rees-Mogg (later, editor of The Times), and served until his death at the age of 60 in 1972.  Pentland held ministerial office as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Pensions from 1964 to 1966, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Social Security from 1966 to 1968, Under-Secretary of State for Social Services from 1968 to 1969, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications from 1969 until 1970.

Norman Pentland Elected


By-Election 1956: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 27,912
Conservative William Rees-Mogg 6,625


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Norman Pentland made the final ballot for a place on the Durham Area Executive Committee, 1952.

R. Laverick was nominated from Ward 3 and Norman Pentland went on to Westminster.

[ Thanks to Leon & Pat for the above NUM images. ]


Giles Radice - Oxford Graduate

MP for Chester-le-Street
(1973 - 1983)

Giles Radice (b. 4 October 1936).  Photo: Getty Images.
[ Radice is pronounced:  Rad-each-y. ]

Giles Radice Elected


By-Election 1973: Chester-le-Street
Labour Giles Radice 25,874
Liberal George Suggett 18,802
Conservative Neil Balfour 4,092


In June 1983, Giles Radice became Member for North Durham.  This followed local constituency reorganisation,
which included Chester-le-Street. That's when the Houghton & Washington Constituency was formed.


How We Voted, 1950 to 1979/83

Chester-le-Street Constituency

(which included Washington)


General Election 1950: Chester-le-Street
Labour Patrick Bartley 35,348
Conservative Harry J. M. Millican 10,379


General Election 1951: Chester-le-Street
Labour Patrick Bartley 35,511
Conservative Harry J. M. Millican 10,632


General Election 1955: Chester-le-Street
Labour Patrick Bartley 32,323
Conservative David A. Wright 10,047


By-Election 1956: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 27,912
Conservative William Rees-Mogg 6,625


General Election 1959: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 33,901
Conservative William Rees-Mogg 10,838


General Election 1964: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 33,901
Conservative John Gorst 10,851


General Election 1966: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 32,467
Conservative Charles M. K. Taylor 9,720


General Election 1970: Chester-le-Street
Labour Norman Pentland 32,467
Conservative Denis Ramshaw 13,363


By-Election 1973: Chester-le-Street
Labour Giles Radice 25,874
Liberal George Suggett 18,802
Conservative Neil Balfour 4,092


General Election February 1974: Chester-le-Street
Labour Giles Radice 33,534
Liberal D. J. Herd 14,808
Conservative Neil Balfour 8,291


General Election October 1974: Chester-le-Street
Labour Giles Radice 33,511
Liberal D. McCourt 9,233
Conservative R. Ditchburn 8,268


General Election October 1979: Chester-le-Street
Labour Giles Radice 38,672
Conservative James Couchman 16,112
Liberal D. McCourt 9,247


Giles Radice was MP for Washington until the Chester-le-Street Constituency was abolished in 1983.

Usworth Miner becomes MP in 1910 General Election

Thomas Richardson
b. Usworth Colliery


Independent Labour Party: December 1910 - 1918

To read much more about Thomas Richardson, go to What's Where; People; Richardson Family.

Washington MPs - after Chester-le-Street Constituency abolished (1983)

Roland Boyes
b. Holmfirth, Yorkshire

Houghton & Washington

Labour: 1983 - 1997

Fraser Kemp
b. Washington

Houghton & Washington East

Labour: 1997 - 2010

Joyce Quin

Gateshead East & Washington West

Labour: 1997 - 2005

Sharon Hodgson - 2024
b. Gateshead

Gateshead East & Washington West

Labour: 2005 - 2010

Washington & Sunderland West

Labour: 2010 - 2024

Washington & Gateshead South

Labour: 2024 - to date