Washington County Durham


Memories of  Forte's

Guilio Forte's Ancestors

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

( A journey in time from Washington 1998 back to Italy c.1679 )

Giulio Forte
Giulio Forte

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's father
Giulio Forte's Father

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's grandfather
Giulio Forte's Grandather

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's great-grandfather
Giulio Forte's Great-Grandather

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's great-great-grandfather
Giulio Forte's Great-Great-Grandather

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's great-great-great-grandfather
Giulio Forte's Great-Great-Great-Grandather

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's great-great-great-great-grandfather
Giulio Forte's Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandather

Giulio Forte's Paternal Ancestors

Giulio's great-great-great-great-great-grandfather
Giulio Forte's Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandather

Mortale, a village near Casalattico in Italy, was renamed Monforte in honour of another branch of the Forte family - that of Sir Charles Forte.

( The information in this article was found at www.fortefamilyhistory.com )