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Usworth & Washington Telephone History

The information in this article was obtained from Phone Books on www.ancestry.co.uk and shared on Google.
All credit must go to the Unidentified Researcher / Washington History Enthusiast!

Telephone Number: Newcastle 597 - Usworth Hall

Post Office Telegraphs

The telegram was the method of rapid communication before the telephone arrived. The Post Office took control of private telegraph companies in 1870. Telegrams were delivered by telegram boys on foot in the early years. Later they used bicycles or BSA motorcycles. Inland telegrams lasted until the 1970s, but Greetings Telegrams can still be sent.

The earliest available phone directory for Newcastle dates from 1887, issued by Post Office Telegraphs.

There were already more than 600 subscribers, showing that the service had been expanding for a few years.

The telephone exchange was in the Post Office building on St Nicholas Street in Newcastle.

The phone lines followed the North Eastern Railway to Washington, along with telegraph wires.

There was no automatic dialling in those days and all calls had to be connected by operators in Newcastle telephone exchange.

1887 Post Office Telephone Directory

Newcastle 1, Newcastle Head Post Office (public Call Office)

Newcastle 158, Cook J & Son, Iron Works, Washington

Newcastle 109, Washington Coal Company, Quayside, Newcastle

Newcastle 119, Washington Coal Company, Tyne Dock

Newcastle 129, Washington Coal Company, Washington Colliery

Newcastle 597, Springwell Colliery, Usworth Colliery, Usworth Hall, Washington Cabin (John Bowes & Partners).

By 1896 John Bowes and Partners had closed the subscription for Post Office Newcastle 597. They became Newcastle 1909 on the National Telephone Company system.

Joseph Cook's ironworks and the Washington Coal Company retained their Post Office Newcastle numbers.

Until 1908 there were no new subscribers in Usworth and Washington on the Post Office telephone system.

The Post Office also leased private wires for mines and factories which did not appear in directories.

A new manual telephone exchange then opened in Washington Village.

New Telegraph Office

Ordnance Survey Map - 1913
New Washington Post Office / Telegraph Office - Speculation Place

This Post Office on Front Street is on the opposite side of the road to the later P O which most 'Baby Boomers' will no doubt remember.

[ Press Cutting & Map:  Courtesy of Washington History Society. ]

1908 Post Office Telephone Directory

Public Call Office in New Washington Post Office

Washington Village  1 - Post Office (Public Call Office)

Washington Village  2 - Anderson J E, Draper, 81 Speculation Place

Washington Village  3 - Elliott R, General Dealer, Supply Stores

Washington Village  4 - Jaques W, Physician & Surgeon, Naworth House

Washington Village  5 - Lomax Rev, The Rectory

Washington Village  6 - Noble W T, Draper, 3 Front Street

Washington Village  7 - Richardson T, Miners Agent, 38 Speculation Place

Washington Village  8 - Turnbull J, Licensed Victualler, New Inn

Washington Village  9 - Frazier J G & Son, Painters, Spout Lane

Washington Village 10 - Durham County Constabulary, Police Station

This was the only time that Washington exchange subscribers were shown on one page of the Post Office directory.

Afterwards they were mixed with the Newcastle alphabetical listings.

National Telephone Company

A rival to Post Office Telegraphs was the Northern District Telephone Company, formed in 1881.
Head Offices were in Arcade Chambers, Sunderland.

Telephone exchanges were in Sunderland, Newcastle, Darlington, Durham, Middlesbrough, etc.
Newcastle telephone exchange was in the business district on the Quayside.

There were plans to connect trunk lines with other commercial telephone companies in Lancashire and Yorkshire.

Hansard, 14 September 1886:  "...Post Office authorities have recently refused the Northern District Telephone Company permission to run wires, for the purpose of telephonic communication, over parts of the North Eastern Railway Company's system, although the Railways Company is willing to allow the necessary posts and wires to be erected...."

1889 Northern District Telephone Directory

Newcastle 1056, North Biddick Colliery Office, Quayside, Newcastle

Newcastle 1057, North Biddick Colliery, Whitehouse, Washington

By 1890 the Northern District Telephone Company had become part of the National Telephone Company.

1895 Northern District Telephone Directory

Newcastle 1001, National Telephone Company (Local Manager's Office), Quayside, Newcastle

Newcastle 1740, National Telephone Company (District Manager's Office), 160 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle

Newcastle 1315, Cook J & Son, Washington

Newcastle 1373, Newall, R.S. & Sons, Washington Chemical Company

Newcastle 1057, North Biddick Colliery, near Washington Station

Newcastle 1691, Washington Coal Company

Joseph Cook's ironworks and the Washington Coal Company had lines on the two rival networks.

160 Pilgrim Street was where the East Coast Main Line crossed above the southern end of Pilgrim Street.
This was before the Tyne Bridge approach road was built in 1928.

The Post Office took control of trunk wires in 1896.

1898-1899 Northern District Telephone Directory

Newcastle 1909, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Springwell

Newcastle 1909a, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Washington

Newcastle 1909b, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Mineral Cabin

Newcastle 1315, Cook J & Son, Washington

Newcastle 1985, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Colliery Owners, 2 Collingwood Street, Newcastle

Newcastle 157, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Tyne Dock

Newcastle 158, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Colliery Owners, Usworth Colliery

Newcastle 158a, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Usworth Hall

Newcastle 158b, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Mineral Cabin, Washington

Newcastle 1373, Newall, R.S. & Son Ltd, Wire Rope Manufacturers, Washington

Newcastle 1691, Washington Coal Company Ltd, Colliery Owners, Custom House Chambers, Newcastle

In 1899 the New Washington branch of Birtley Co-operative Society was on Low Fell 24a.
In 1905 this changed to Gateshead 198.

In 1903 Washington Station stores of Birtley Co-operative Society was on Birtley 5b.

In 1904 the Washington Chemical Co was also listed as Magnesia Coverings Ltd on Newcastle 1373.

The Post Office had taken over the private telegraph companies in 1870.
Parliament intended that the Post Office should also take control of the telephone system.

The National Telephone Company directory began listing Post Office subscribers.

The NTC Newcastle exchange became Central, while the Post Office Newcastle exchange became City.

1908 Northern District Telephone Directory
(Including Subscribers to Local Post Office Exchanges)

Birtley 5b, Birtley District Co-operative Society, Washington Station

Gateshead 198, Birtley District Co-operative Society, New Washington branch

Central 1901, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Milburn House, Newcastle

Central 1909, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Springwell

Central 1909a, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Bank Head Cabin

Central 1909b, Bowes, John & Partners Ltd, Colliery Owners, Bank Foot Cabin

Central 1315, Cook Joseph, Sons & Co, Washington

Central 1985, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Colliery Owners, Caledonian Buildings, Newcastle

Central 158, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Colliery Owners, Usworth Colliery

Central 158a, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Usworth Hall

Central 158b, Johnasson, Gordon & Co Ltd, Mineral Cabin, Washington

Central 1373, Washington Chemical Co Ltd, Washington

Central 1691, Washington Coal Company Ltd, Colliery Owners, Cathedral Buildings, Newcastle

City 109, Washington Coal Company, Colliery Owners, Cathedral Buildings, Newcastle

City 129, Washington Coal Company (Tyzack and Branfoot), Washington Colliery

City 129a, Washington Coal Company, Glebe Pit

City 129b, Washington Coal Company, Blue House (Mr Ford)

City 129c, Washington Coal Company, Mineral Cabin

The alphabetical listings for Washington Village Post Office exchange were mixed in with Newcastle listings.

The 1911 directory had these additional listings

Washington Village 11 - Pyle H E, Contractor, Station Road

Washington Village 12 - Cook J, Ironfounder, North Biddick Hall

Washington Village 13 - Farquharson R, Physician & Surgeon, Glebe House

Washington Village 14 - Rutter J G & Sons, Plumbers, 2 Railway Terrace

Washington Village 15 - Blyth J & Sons, Brick & Tile Manufacturer, Washington Station

38 Speculation Place was now 38 Co-operative Terrace

On 1st January 1912 the Postmaster General took over the National Telephone Company.

There is a gap in Ancestry telephone directories of North East England from 1912 to 1920.

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