Washington County Durham


Memories of  Washington's  Mineworker-Soldiers

The Great War (1914-18)

Colliery Rolls of Honour

( 2 / 2 )

The Rededication of Washington 'F' Colliery Roll of Honour

( Washington 'F' Pit Museum - Friday, 10th April 2015 )

A youth band from the South Shields Sea Cadets entertained everyone with First World War tunes and children from Washington Saint Joseph's School sang old mining songs. The Durham Pals were in attendance to add their tribute to the proceedings. Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Stuart Porthouse, gave an introductory speech and the Rector from High Usworth Holy Trinity Church, Reverend Julie Wing, led the service and rededication of the Memorial. All of the names listed on the Memorial were read aloud.


Order of Service


Original Location

( Washington Miners' Welfare Hall )

The War Memorial / Roll of Honour, which lists the names of 64 colliery workers who lost their lives during the First World War, was unveiled on Saturday, 26th March 1921 at Washington Colliery Welfare Hall & Institute in Spout Lane by Mr J. Olds, Treasurer of the Washington Lodge. He was supported by the Reverend A Begg, Rector of High Usworth Holy Trinity Church. The Memorial was commissioned by the Durham Miners Association at a cost of £200 and was made by C.W.S. Pelaw. The money was raised by Usworth Colliery, Durham Miners Association. Washington Miners Lodge War Fund were responsible for the ownership and maintenance. The Memorial remained in place until 2012 when the Hall - which had by this time been converted into a pub/night club - closed its doors for the final time. A fire had seriously damaged the building. The Memorial was then removed and placed in safe storage pending a decision on a suitable permanent site.

The site of the old Welfare Hall will make way for 79 modern rented apartments for people aged 55 and over. The developers, Galliford Try PLC, donated £1,000 to bring the Memorial out of storage and put it back on display in the 'F' Pit Museum. Work to bring it back to its former glory was carried out by the conservation team from Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums. The work included steam cleaning and reassembling the marble base; cleaning and bringing out the original wood finish; and repairing and replacing missing sections.


Memorial Inscription

For King & Country

ROLL OF  ...  DMA  ...  HONOUR
(Durham Miners' Association)

Dedicated to the Memory

1914  ...  THE GREAT WAR  ...  1919



Memorial Description

Elaborately carved oak framed Memorial, 10 feet 9 inches high x 6 feet 3 inches wide, with pediment and classical side pillars on a granite base. At centre top is a cartouche containing the words 'For King & Country'. The words 'Roll of Honour' are set on a scroll, divided by a DMA monogram (Durham Miners Association). The centre panel is of granite with gold lettering. The names are listed in three columns and the lettering is handwritten in gilt, using San Serif capitals. The dedication is a mixture of Gothic & Roman capitals. The words 'For Freedom's Cause' are carved into the stone lintel at the bottom using San Serif capitals which have been gilded.