About, Copyright etc.
1. I've compiled this collection of photographs, images & maps for the enjoyment of anyone interested
in Washington and its surrounding area
when it was part of Old County Durham.
2. I've concentrated on making it an easily accessible reference and less so on strict photographic accuracy, hence:
a) most images have been resized to a standard width of 900 pixels.
b) some images have been edited a little to make their contents more clear or to remove obvious distractions -
hopefully, without altering
the character of the original.
3. Thumbnails are displayed geographically rather than alphabetically, whenever possible - but it isn't easy!
I regard photographs on the Internet as freely available to everyone; that's why they were put there in the first place! However ...
To the best of my knowledge, all of the images displayed on this site are either:
a) out-of-copyright,
b) my personal images, the images of friends & acquaintances, or images belonging to this website's many supporters.
c) reproduced in a way specified by the original owners, or
d) taken from websites which do not impose restrictions on copying.
In cases (c) & (d), I've acknowledged the source and/or the photographer when this information has been available.
In the event that I've failed to post a suitable acknowledgement or wandered 'off-side' in some way, please accept my sincere apologies;
I'll correct the error as soon as the problem's brought to my attention.